Sunday, March 2, 2014

Slogans in Tipalet Ad

While viewing the ad I'm sure you see the main slogan "Blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere" however, there are also another slogan in the ad. In the fine print it says "Oh yes... you get smoking satisfaction without inhaling smoke.". What's most interesting about this slogan is that it contradicts itself. If a man were to blow in the face of a woman she is in fact inhaling the smoke in the face. The ad also says "Hit her with tangy...." and goes on to list all the flavors. Not only is the Tipalet company enticing men to blow in women's faces. They are also trying to convince women  you will not only want to follow this man around, you will also be satisfied. Both slogans are used in a sexist manner towards women who at the time were considered extremely inferior to men.   -Amber


  1. I like that you incorporated the fine print of this advertisement. When I looked at it myself before, I had dismissed this. However, I think it is good that you referenced it. I don't quite understand what you were trying to say about the contradiction of the slogan. You might want to make it a little more clear. You have some interesting ideas in here, good job.

  2. I think Amber means the literal contradiction--as in, claiming women don't need to inhale, but pointing out that breathing in is inhaling, so they are, in fact, inhaling. But I agree with your comment Therese. What I think is more interesting about that is that women are portrayed as entirely passive. Like, they don't need to smoke, they don't need to breathe--men can be entirely in control of their basic functions. Nice post.

  3. I like both of your main points and think you explain them well. I did not think about the second logan about the contradiction until you pointed it out.
