Saturday, March 1, 2014

Style Used in the Goodyear Tire Commercial

            The style of an argument is all about how you present your reasoning. The Goodyear tire commercial takes advantage of language in order to convince the audience that their reasoning for buying the tires is not only logical and true, but also coming from a reliable source. The commercial also takes advantage of repetition to continuously remind the audience the main convincing argument. The narrator in the commercial is a man. In the 1960's, men thought women were no where near as smart or reliable as men, so had a woman been speaking, the audience of men wouldn't have taken her very seriously. Also, the man speaking is talking very professionally and formally, as if he was an expert on the Goodyear tires and maybe even of cars in general. The man's voice sounded so professional and formal which presented him as being very reliable. He repeats the same phrase of, "...Polyglas means more than miles when your wife has to drive alone." The commercial using a specific language style and repeating key points helps the listener follow along and understand the logic and reasoning behind how important the Goodyear's polyglas tires are. And coming from a reliable source, the reasoning is believable and convincing.


  1. This is a very good analysis. You have a lot of great ideas and do a good job of fully explaining them. I like the point you made about the credibility of the commercial through the use of a man narrator. This is very important in my opinion. Great job!

  2. Nice. Great analysis of the voice of the commercial, but I didn't see much about the visuals. Just something I saw missing, but other than that good job!
