Monday, February 24, 2014

Audience of the Goodyear Tire Commercial

The audience for this commercial was the men from the early 1970s, specifically men who wanted to make sure their significant others would be as safe as possible when driving cars. These men would hold certain views about the roles of women and would not think that women would be able to fix any problems that might arise from when a car would break down.  -Tim


  1. Hm, do you think this is about technical proficiency? Like, in a breakdown situation? Or is this about women's abilities to handle basics tasks like driving? You're right the men want the women to be safe, but I wonder if there is more at play here.

  2. I like how you get straight to the point that the advertisement is directed towards men, but I do also believe this tire commercial is a lot about the tires efficiency on the road compared to other tires and that it is not only about protection. I think you could add something about that.

  3. I also agree that there should be more about the durability of the tires, so instead of being very general with just saying this is advertising to men, maybe you should get more specific about the type of men who need the most safe/durable tires. Maybe like a man with a family, etc.
